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Θέμα: EUREC Awards 2015

  1. #1
    Εξέχων Μέλος Eίδωλο του eutuxia
    Ημερομηνία Εγγραφής
    Jul 2014
    Πανεπιστήμιο Πατρών

    Ανακοίνωση EUREC Awards 2015


    For the fourth year, EUREC will deliver awards to the best students’ projects on Renewable Energy. Through these awards, EUREC would like to stimulate interest in research in Renewable Energy and encourage young students to pursue a career in the field.

    The award is open to all students in the last year of their undergraduate studies or in the year immediately following graduation. They have to submit a two-page abstract of a project related to renewable energy, a copy of their transcripts as well as a letter of recommendation/introduction from one of their professors. The awards consist in one prize of €3.000 to the best project and two prizes of €1.500 to the second and third selected projects.

    If one of your students is winning a EUREC Award, we will display the name and logo of your University on the EUREC Master website, as well as in an article in our quarterly newsletter. You can view here the winners of the 2012, 2013 and 2014 EUREC Awards.

    You will find attached information to publish on your University website and to circulate to students.

    I thank you to circulate the information to your students, allowing them to enter the competition, and helping us promoting excellence in Renewable Energy.

    Please do not hesitate to contact me for further information.

    Kind regards,

    Nathalie Richet

    Master Programme Manager

    Place du Champ de Mars 2 – B-1050 Brussels
    European Master in Renewable Energy
    Επισυναπτόμενες ΜικροΕικόνες Επισυναπτόμενες ΜικροΕικόνες EUREC Awards 2015-eurec awards 2015.pdf  
    Τελευταία επεξεργασία από dany; 08-06-2015 την 14:05.
    Ευτυχία Πολυχρονάκη
    Γραμματέας Τμήματος Μαθηματικών
    (γραφείο 150)
    265 04 Ρίο
    email: eutuxia@math.upatras.gr

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