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Θέμα: 2024 Ambassadors Fund for Summer Work Travel (SWT) Scholarship - Opportunity for Greek university students

  1. #1
    Εξέχων Μέλος Eίδωλο του eutuxia
    Ημερομηνία Εγγραφής
    Jul 2014
    Πανεπιστήμιο Πατρών

    Ανακοίνωση 2024 Ambassadors Fund for Summer Work Travel (SWT) Scholarship - Opportunity for Greek university students

    We are happy to share with you an exciting opportunity for Greek university students, who seek to gain
    professional experience in the United States, the 2024 Ambassadors Fund for Summer Work Travel
    (SWT) Scholarship.

    This year, the U.S. Mission to Greece will offer 20 scholarships for Greek university students, who will be selected to participate in the 2024 Ambassadors Fund for Summer Work Travel (SWT) Scholarship
    program. Applications are now open and will close on November 15, 2023. Please see details on the
    flyer attached.

    Recipients of this scholarship will travel to the United States for up to four months during their
    university summer break. Recipients will be matched with host employers in seasonal communities
    throughout the United States, and will work in seasonal, entry-level jobs with a high-level of interaction
    with American colleagues and guests. Recipients will meet, work, live with and learn from both people
    of the United States and other international students while sharing daily experiences. The scholarships
    will offer a unique opportunity for university students interested in building diverse skills, as well as
    exploring the United States and building networks with fellow students from the U.S. and around the
    world. The program is implemented by Greenheart International and is sponsored by the U.S.
    Department of State and U.S. Mission to Greece.

    Applications opened on October 1st and will close on November 15th, 2023. Space is limited.

    Additional information and details on the application process, program, eligibility, job placements, and
    selection process can be found at: www.ambassadorscholarshipfund.org
    Greek university students who are interested in traveling and working in the United States over the
    summer months with a scholarship can apply through November 15, 2023, at:

    Have a great weekend,
    Marina Cheilitsi
    Marina Cheilitsi│Μαρίνα Χειλίτση
    Public Engagement Specialist
    Public Diplomacy Section
    Tel: (+30) 210 720 4785 Cell: (+30) 695 847 6870
    Επισυναπτόμενες ΜικροΕικόνες Επισυναπτόμενες ΜικροΕικόνες 2024 Ambassadors Fund for Summer Work Travel (SWT) Scholarship - Opportunity for Greek university students-ambassadors scholarship fund 2024_greece_flyer.pdf  
    Ευτυχία Πολυχρονάκη
    Γραμματέας Τμήματος Μαθηματικών
    (γραφείο 150)
    265 04 Ρίο
    email: eutuxia@math.upatras.gr

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